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Join us and engage with the future of the internet."} 31:{"title":"Contact Us"} 34:{"title":"Getting started","content":"Do you have Soneium general questions?\nLet's talk to the community!","button":"Discord"} 35:{"title":"Developer Support","content":"Do you have development questions?\nLet's talk to the developer community!","button":"Discord"} 36:{"title":"Others","content":"If you didn't solve the problem with above, please ask us anything.","button":"Contact"} 33:{"start":"$34","devSupport":"$35","others":"$36"} 32:{"description":"If you have questions regarding Soneium protocols or are looking to engage and connect, this page provides the opportunity to connect with the community and team","contents":"$33"} 2f:{"metadata":"$30","hero":"$31","information":"$32"} 38:{"description":"Visit Soneium's blog for the latest ecosystem updates."} 37:{"metadata":"$38","relatedPosts":"You might also be interested in","tag":"Tag:"} 3a:{"title":"Docs"} 3d:{"title":"About Soneium","content":"Learn about Soneium’s vision to integrate Web3 into everyday life, creating an inclusive digital world where everyone can be a creator and innovator.","button":"About Soneium"} 3e:{"title":"For Developers","content":"Developers can leverage Soneium’s robust infrastructure to create impactful dApps and digital assets, driving innovation in a supportive community.","button":"For Developers"} 3f:{"title":"For Users","content":"Users benefit from Soneium’s user-friendly interface and secure environment, enabling seamless interaction with blockchain technology for everyday applications.","button":"For Users"} 3c:{"soneium":"$3d","developers":"$3e","users":"$3f"} 3b:{"description":"Explore our comprehensive documentation to fully utilize Soneium's capabilities. 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In an effort to bootstrap a thriving Soneium ecosystem, we are excited to announce the **[Soneium Spark](https://fz9yr1hrjv9.typeform.com/to/ZfBeoCGT)** - An Incubation Program, will start soon. Soneium aims to become a global web3 infrastructure cornerstone, driving web3 adoption across diverse use cases. ## Soneium Minato Sony Block Solutions Labs, driven by the vision of "Realize the Open Internet that Transcends Boundaries" aims to spark interest in Web3 among newcomers. The goal is to provide an Internet development environment where anyone can become a creator, making Web3 services accessible and appealing to those who have never been exposed to them before. As a first step towards realizing this vision, we have released Soneium Minato, a testnet that serves as a public blockchain accessible to all developers and creators interested in building applications. Soneium Minato offers a fast and cost-effective development environment, providing tools that are compatible with Ethereum, which is widely used for existing Web3 app development. This environment allows developers and creators to experience Soneium's specifications firsthand. The launch of Soneium Minato brings several benefits. It enables the formation of early communities around developers and creators, allowing them to gather valuable feedback during this period. This feedback can be used to improve services and by building these early interactions, Soneium Minato helps create a robust ecosystem. Anyone can access the apps released on Soneium Minato and experience the services provided by each app. By exploring various applications, users can discover their favorites and be among the first to join the communities formed around each service. This early access not only benefits developers but also allows users to shape the future of these applications through their engagement and feedback. Bridge to Soneium Minato Testnet: https://bridge.soneium.org/en/testnet Soneium itself is a public blockchain—an open network that welcomes all participants without limitations. As a layer 2 solution for Ethereum, Soneium builds upon the existing layer 1 infrastructure, handling data processing to address issues of slow processing speed and high fees typically associated with layer 1 solutions. By leveraging the Op Stack developed by the Optimism Foundation, Soneium creates a scalable, EVM-compatible, and developer-friendly blockchain. It's important to note that Soneium Minato, being a testnet, does not use the production blockchain. Instead, it employs a test version of crypto assets for in-app payments, allowing users to try services without risking their own assets. This risk-free environment encourages more people to explore and engage with Web3 applications. Get started building on Soneium today: https://docs.soneium.org/docs/builders/overview ## Soneium Spark The goal of Soneium Spark is to nurture a community of visionary creators and builders who will shape the future of the industry. With a focus on innovation and strategic growth, we aim to provide an environment where projects can achieve sustainable long-term success. ## What is Soneium Spark? Soneium Spark, a builder-focused program, will transform groundbreaking ideas into market-ready solutions. We're not just encouraging innovation; we're fueling the future! **Soneium Spark: Igniting Tomorrow's Innovations** - Expert mentorship that boosts your potential. - Cutting-edge infrastructure at your fingertips. - Strategic partnerships with industry titans. - Invaluable market connections to propel your success. ## Fuel Your Dreams Investments up to $100,000 USD per team are available for visionary developers, creators, and projects ready to build on Soneium. The first cohort of Soneium Spark has started accepting applications. The incubation period will start in the middle of October and run through the upcoming months. It will be held fully online with offline events, offering global access to infinite opportunities. **Jun Watanabe, Chairman of Sony Blockchain Solutions Labs and Senior General Manager of Business Incubation Platform of Sony Group Corporation.** _“We have opened our testnet as a first step to foster a fan community centered on creators that can connect diverse values through Soneium. We look forward to working with partners who relates to our vision and are willing to participate. Let's work together to create new value in Web3 toward a world where Web3 services are used in people's daily life.”_ **Sota Watanabe, Director of Sony Blockchain Solutions Labs.** _“Soneium becomes stronger by partnering with builders. Through Soneium Spark, we bridge Web3 and Web2, startups and enterprises, and innovative builders and the mass users. By leveraging Sony Group’s assets and Startale’s experience, we will go mainstream together with the community. We are excited to see creative use cases we will build worldwide together with builders.”_ ## Why Should You Join Soneium Spark? Soneium focuses on making Web3 mainstream. We aim to enhance the internet experience for everyday users with our advanced web3 technologies. We're connecting startups with enterprises and applications with protocols. Be at the forefront with Soneium. Joining the Soneium Spark Program gives you the ultimate edge with official Sony Block Solutions Labs support. As a winner, you will benefit from our comprehensive support package, which is customized to your project's unique needs. Whatever your vertical, we've got you covered! **Soneium Support includes:** - **Marketing Support:** Get your project in the spotlight with our full-spectrum marketing support, including featured placement on our high-traffic portal, exclusive participation in the upcoming Soneium campaigns, powerful social media promotion, and exclusive networking at offline events alongside the Soneium team. - **Business Support:** Boost your business to new heights with our comprehensive support package, offering potential IP collaborations, strategic partnerships with industry-leading enterprises, introductions to top-tier exchanges, and invaluable connections with visionary VCs ready to support your growth. - **Technical Support:** Unlock the full potential of your project with exclusive access to Soneium's elite Infrastructure Partners, leveraging tools and expertise to build, scale, and innovate. - **Financial Support:** - Ecosystem Fund investment for Gold winners; - Additional funding opportunities are provided by the Soneium Team and our powerful network of partners. ## Calling All Visionary Builders! We're on the hunt for passionate teams eager to join forces with Sony Block Solutions Labs in our vision to make Web3 the mainstream! We're cultivating a vibrant ecosystem, and we appreciate you to be part of it. Our doors are wide open to groundbreaking projects in these exciting categories: **DeFi** - DEX (AMM) - DEX Aggregator - Lending - Yield and Points Farming - Perpetuals and Synthetics - Options - Derivatives - CDP Stablecoins - Others **Web3 Experiences** - NFT - Gaming - Entertainment - Social **Open Category** ## Project Requirements - We are looking for solutions that will spark an innovative and healthy ecosystem. - We will assess each team’s traction and roadmap, technical and business aspects, as well as the motivation to contribute to Soneium growth. - Soneium Native dApps: We will give preference to the teams willing to build an exclusive dApp/brand in the Soneium ecosystem by either choosing Soneium as their first chain or by migrating from other chain(s) to Soneium. - We will give preference to the teams that will have a token launch on Soneium on their roadmap. ## Gold and Silver Winners Participants in the Soneium Spark Program will be honored as either Gold or Silver winners, with each level offering unique advantages. Either way, our support for both categories of winners is designed to amplify the success and impact of every project. Whether you are a Gold or Silver winner, you will play a pivotal role in the growth of the Soneium ecosystem. The future expansion and success of Soneium will begin with your contributions, and your project will be recognized as a foundational pillar within our community. ## Soneium Spark Partners: Powering Your Success We are excited to announce that the Soneium Spark Program is backed by a robust network of partners, including industry-leading infrastructure providers, enterprise leaders, and venture capital firms. With their resource investment and your strategic growth plan, we are confident in creating a thriving ecosystem that supports innovation, drives technological advancement, and propels the Soneium ecosystem to new heights. ![Program Partners.jpg](https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/Program_Partners_77f3a25a87.jpg) ## Let the Soneium Journey Begin Get your application ready; we will ask you to share an overview of your project, a team introduction, your aspirations, as well as some extra information. Please note that we will also require a demo video of your project. Don't hold back — we want to hear your full story! This is your moment to shine and show us why your project is the next big thing in the Soneium ecosystem. The [application form](https://fz9yr1hrjv9.typeform.com/to/ZfBeoCGT) is now open. Please follow Soneium’s official social media for further announcements about the program. If you have any further questions regarding the application or the program itself, please reach out to our dedicated team on [Discord](https://discord.gg/soneium). ## Review Process We're excited to review your application! Our team will evaluate submissions on a rolling basis, and you can expect to hear back from us within 2 to 4 weeks after application submission. Additionally, we might get back to you if we need more information. If you’re selected as a winner, we'll provide you with all the detailed information you need about the program's logistics. We appreciate your patience and can't wait to welcome you onboard! **Apply here:** https://fz9yr1hrjv9.typeform.com/to/ZfBeoCGT ## Timeline - 28.08.2024: Soneium Spark is here! Join the Soneium community and prepare your teams for the upcoming applications. - 30.09.2024: Applications are closed - 14.10.2024: Winner Announcement - 15.11.2024: Demo Day ## FAQ - How can I follow Soneium Spark announcements? Stay updated by joining our community on Discord. Don't miss out on important news and announcements! - How will winners communicate with the Soneium team? Winners will gain access to a dedicated communication channel with Sony Block Solutions Labs. You'll also have regular sync opportunities with your assigned Point of Contact to ensure the best builder experience. - How many winners will there be? We aim to onboard around 30 projects to the program, providing tailored support and resources. - What is the difference between the Gold and Silver winners? Gold and Silver winners receive different levels of support, designed to maximize the success and impact of every project. Both categories will benefit from our comprehensive support structure. - What is “Launch Campaign” in Marketing support? Soneium Spark Winners will not only benefit greatly from this program but will also have the exclusive opportunity to participate in the upcoming Soneium campaign. Hint: Core Contribution Challenge. - What regions is the program focusing on? We welcome teams from all around the world to join us on this exciting journey! - How long will Soneium support the winners? We are aiming to bring Web3 to the masses together. Support will continue to grow the ecosystem. The exact timeframe will be customized based on the development stage and complexity of each project. - Does the project have to be exclusive to Soneium? We will give Winner preference to teams willing to build an exclusive dApp/brand in the Soneium ecosystem by either choosing Soneium as their first chain or by migrating from other chain(s) to Soneium. - Is project audit a requirement? While a project audit is not required for selection, it will be necessary for projects that qualify for funding. - Who can I contact if I have questions about the program or application? In case of any questions, please reach out to our dedicated team on [Discord](https://discord.gg/soneium). We're here to help!6a:T4042,Soneium, by Sony Block Solutions Labs is building a public Ethereum layer 2 next-generation blockchain ecosystem designed to invoke emotion and empower creativity. Soneium will connect blockchain technology (Web3) with everyday internet services (Web2). This connection will make things easier for users, helping more people start using blockchain. Soneium is planned to stand as a versatile, general-purpose blockchain ready to serve diverse needs across all verticals and support users globally. Our aim is to empower developers, creators, and communities with a robust, developer-friendly environment backed by scalable technology. With Soneium, users can look forward to innovative applications that push the boundaries of blockchain technology, competitive features in the existing Ethereum layer 2 landscape, and a unique blend of entertainment, gaming, finance, and various other possibilities. Soneium is built on the principle that blockchain should be accessible, scalable, efficient, and solve genuine problems. ## Our Vision _“Realize the Open Internet that Transcends Boundaries.”_ On Soneium, everyone is a creator, no matter where you are or what you do. We dream of an open internet that transcends cultural differences and brings together people with diverse values. Here, innovation overcomes social, economic, and regional constraints, allowing every idea to flourish. With our community, we aim to go mainstream with this public blockchain, empowering individuals and communities to collaborate, create, and fill the world with emotion together. _“We think the development of a comprehensive Web3 solution based on blockchain technology is very significant for [Sony Group](https://www.sony.com/en/), which has developed a wide variety of businesses as part of its purpose to "Fill the world with emotion, through the power of creativity and technology". We will work to create diverse businesses and new use cases with the aim of delivering customer value that can only be enjoyed through Web3 technology to as many users as possible and making people's lives richer and more colorful.”_ - **Jun Watanabe, Chairman, Sony Block Solutions Labs.** _"We believe that Sony Group's launch of an Ethereum Layer 2 in collaboration with [Startale](https://startale.com/en) is a pivotal moment for the entire industry. The industry has been making something web3 people want because of the lack of general user touchpoints and their feedback. Sony Group has strong distribution channels in multiple industries and existing users in our daily lives. Through Soneium, we will make something people want and go mainstream beyond web3.”_ - **Sota Watanabe, Director of Sony Block Solutions Labs.** ## Values: - **Emotion** - Continuing to create a place where everyone feels excited and engaged. - **Creative** - Transforming the world through the power of human creativity. - **Go Mainstream** - Creating a world where everyone uses Web3 technologies and makes their own narratives. ## What we are trying to realize? By developing the blockchain, the underlying infrastructure for Web3, it will be possible to provide a comprehensive Web3 solution from the infrastructure to the application layer, without concluding with partial service offerings. In addition to applications for existing Web3 services that will be compatible with Soneium in the future, we will consider new services that are linked to businesses within the Sony Group to create use cases that can stimulate the interest of people who have never used Web3 services, and to support the expansion of creativity and engagement with fan communities through Web3 technology. We will work to support creators in expanding their creativity and strengthening their engagement with the fan community. Specifically, we will study the protection of rights to creativity created by creators, new mechanisms for returning profits to support creators and fans, and opportunities for creators to be active across the digital and real worlds. ## Soneium testnet As a first step to realize our vision, we plan to launch Soneim testnet with Op Stack in the coming days. Developers and creators can start experiencing the development environment of Soneium and start to build their own applications on the testnet. Hereunder, we are revealing the details of the testnet in advance of its launch. After we successfully launch the testnet, we plan to join Optimism’s Superchain to expand our ecosystem. **A New Frontier for Developers and Builders** Soneium is going to be the powerful playground for Web3 visionaries. We will be engineering our platform from the ground up to be a developer's dream come true. At Soneium, we understand that the strength of any blockchain ecosystem lies in its ability to attract and retain talented developers and innovative projects. Soneium is going to become the go-to platform for builders in the Web3 space: - **Tech Overview:** Soneium itself is a public blockchain—an open network that welcomes all participants without limitations. As a layer 2 solution for Ethereum, Soneium builds upon the existing layer 1 infrastructure, handling data processing to address issues of slow processing speed and high fees typically associated with layer 1 solutions. Soneium leverages the Op Stack and Superchain developed by the Optimism Foundation to create a scalable, EVM-compatible, developer-friendly blockchain. - **Robust Development Environment:** Soneium is being planned as a comprehensive development ecosystem tailored to meet the needs of modern blockchain developers. We will offer a fully-featured testnet environment that closely mirrors mainnet conditions, allowing for thorough testing and refinement of projects. Soneium supports advanced smart contract capabilities, opening up a world of possibilities for Apps. Our scalable infrastructure will be designed to handle high-volume applications, ensuring that your projects can grow without constraints. - **Developer & Creator-Centric Tools and Resources:** We believe in empowering developers and creators with the tools they need to succeed. Soneium will provide extensive documentations, making it easy for developers of all skill levels to get started and advance their projects. Additionally, Soneium is planned to be equipped with a suite of third-party developer tools needed for developing and launching Apps. Our dedicated support channels stand ready to assist, ensuring you're never alone on your journey of innovation. - **Ensuring Accessibility:** Soneium will create a user-friendly environment, regardless of their technical background. We're not just building a platform; we're building a community where innovation knows no bounds. ## Go Mainstream with Soneium: #GMwithSoneium Our vision extends beyond creating advanced technology – we're on a mission to bring blockchain to the masses. "**GM with Soneium**" isn't just a catchy phrase; it's our commitment to mainstream adoption. As an Ethereum layer 2 solution, Soneium will combine the security and decentralization of Ethereum with the scalability and user-friendliness needed for widespread use. What sets us apart is our unique position within the Sony Group ecosystem. We have an unprecedented opportunity to introduce blockchain technology to global users. Soneium is planned to bridge the gap between Web3 innovation and everyday consumer applications, truly bringing blockchain technology into the mainstream. ![GM_Banner_v02.jpg](https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/GM_Banner_v02_6bdffc1a55.jpg) Soneium isn't just another blockchain – it's a platform designed with mass adoption in mind. We aim to create an ecosystem that will bring Web3 technologies to everyday users. We provide tools and APIs for creating intuitive, user-friendly Apps that feel familiar to mainstream users, lowering the barrier to entry for blockchain technology. Additionally, we have built-in tools to help developers navigate the complex landscape of global regulations, making it easier to create compliant applications that can reach a worldwide audience. ## What's Next? We are gearing up for our testnet launch, which will provide developers with their first hands-on experience with Soneium. In the coming weeks, we'll be releasing detailed technical documentation to help you understand the intricacies of our platform. We'll provide clear instructions for testnet access, ensuring a smooth onboarding process for all interested developers. Our initial developer tools and SDKs will be made available, allowing you to start building on Soneium right away. Sony Block Solutions Labs is collaborating with multiple partners for the introduction of Soneium. This partnership aims to offer these companies a unique chance to help make Web3 more accessible to more users, potentially speeding up the adoption of this innovative technology across a broad audience. ## Special Partner **[Astar Network](https://astar.network/)** _"As the founder of Astar Network, I have been involved in the development of public blockchains since 2019. To make Web3 truly pervasive in society, we have decided to take the first step by transitioning the Astar Layer 2 and the community into Soneium. The Web3 industry currently lacks sufficient touchpoints with general users. By collaborating with Sony Group, which has one of the world's leading distribution channels, we aim to lead and shape the future of Web3."_ - **Sota Watanabe, Founder of Astar Network.** It's a strategic initiative to integrate Astar Network (zkEVM) more closely with Soneium, leveraging the strengths of both ecosystems to drive forward the vision. The commitment to the Astar community remains strong, and this evolution is designed to deliver more tangible value to the community. - **Enhanced Utility of ASTR:** Integrate ASTR as a key asset within the Soneium L2 ecosystem. Maintain its role in ecosystem projects, expand utility. - **Leverage Soneium Ecosystem:** Position Soneium L2 at the heart of innovative applications, driving adoption and engagement. - **Community Empowerment:** Create more opportunities for existing users as early adopters in new projects and dApps. Allow the community to be key participants in emerging initiatives within Soneium L2. - **Future Prospects:** Position ASTR for potential benefits within the expanding Soneium ecosystem. Prepare for Astar Evolution Phase 2, bringing more clarity on future opportunities. _"We at the Astar Foundation are incredibly excited to partner with the Soneium ecosystem as a special launch partner. This collaboration is a testament to our shared vision of making web3 accessible to everyone. We're not just expanding our reach—we're setting new standards that will unlock growth and rewards for Astar's community and supporters. Together, we're setting the stage for blockchain adoption and utility.”_ - **Maarten Henskens, Head of Astar Foundation.** ![Launch Partners (1).png](https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/Launch_Partners_1_a5dd5010b6.png) ## Launch Partners **Optimism** _“Optimism has rapidly become the leading solution for scaling Ethereum. Like other global giants, Sony Group has chosen Optimism’s OP Stack and enters the Superchain, joining its growing network of chains. As part of the Superchain, Soneium will contribute network revenue back to the Optimism Collective, further supporting its ever-expanding ecosystem. This collaboration marks a significant moment for the Superchain, and we look forward to working closely with Sony Block Solutions Labs, to make blockchain more accessible to users worldwide.” _ - **Ryan Wyatt, Chief Growth Officer at Optimism Unlimited** **Chainlink** _“The leadership shown by Sony Group with the launch of Soneium is a strong signal of the advancements taking place in the blockchain industry,”_ **said Johann Eid, Chief Business Officer at Chainlink Labs.** _“We are excited to support Soneium’s vision through the Chainlink platform, enabling Soneium to extensively impact the current blockchain landscape and drive adoption both regionally, in markets like Japan, and globally.”_ **Alchemy** _"The launch of Soneium marks a key step in bringing web3 to everyday users, uniquely blending entertainment, gaming, and finance in the web3 space. We're thrilled to power Soneium with our web3 infrastructure and developer tools, enabling creators worldwide to build and scale onchain apps with ease. Soneium is a big step towards bringing the benefits of web3 to billions of people."_ - **Nikil Viswanathan, CEO of Alchemy** **Circle Internet Financial (Circle)** _“Blockchain openness and accessibility are pivotal steps to mainstream adoption of Web3, and a core belief behind USDC,”_ said **Jeremy Allaire, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Circle.** _“With USDC powering transactions on Soneium by Sony Block Solutions Labs, we are redefining digital experiences for all as part of our commitment to delivering secure and simplified Web3 experiences.”_ **The Graph** _“By taking the plunge headfirst into web3 with support from The Graph, Soneium by Sony BSL is exhibiting the fearless attitude towards innovation that made the brand so beloved for decades. Alongside Startale Labs, we’re supporting the launch of Soneium by equipping developers worldwide to regain autonomy over their creations and their data. We believe that no one entity should hoard power on the internet – building on blockchain technology puts power back in the hands of creators. I hope to see more household names follow in Sony Group’s footsteps.”_ - **Tegan Kline, CEO & Co-Founder of Edge & Node, the initial team behind The Graph.** ## Get Involved The future of digital creation and ownership is here, and we invite you to be part of it. Whether you're an experienced developer, a creator, or a community member, there's a place for you in the Soneium ecosystem. Join [Soneium Community](https://discord.gg/soneium) and start your journey with us. Explore our comprehensive developer resources to gain insights into the platform's capabilities. Join our vibrant community platforms to connect with like-minded innovators and stay updated on the latest Soneium news and events. We're not just building a blockchain – we're creating the foundation for the next generation of digital experiences. Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine what's possible in the world of Web3. ## About Soneium Soneium, an Ethereum layer-2 developed by Sony Block Solutions Labs. This versatile chain is a general-purpose blockchain platform that aims to evoke emotion, empower creativity, and meet diverse needs to go mainstream. Soneium will be simplifying blockchain experiences while empowering developers, creators, and communities. Built on accessibility, scalability, and efficiency, it aims to solve real-world problems across industries globally. Soneium will change the way we interact with the internet, opening up a world of innovative applications and unlimited potential for users worldwide. [Website](https://soneium.org/) | [X](https://x.com/soneium) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/soneium) | [Telegram](https://t.me/SoneiumAnnouncement) ## About Sony Block Solutions Labs A joint venture with Sony Group Corporation and Startale Labs Pte. Ltd. established to build a new network infrastructure using blockchain technology, Sony announced the planning and development of blockchain in September 2023, and in August 2024, The company name was changed from Sony Network Communications Labs Pte. Ltd. ## About Sony Group Corporation Creative entertainment company backed by technology. Sony Group Corporation operates businesses in games & network services, music, movies, electronics, semiconductors, and finance, with the purpose of "Fill the world with emotion through the power of creativity and technology." ## About Startale Startale is at the forefront of web3 technology, specializing in the development of Astar, Soneium and Startale Cloud. At Startale, our mission is “Web3 for Billions”, making the world where web3 technologies are utilized in people’s lives. We believe that the journey of blockchain and web3 is fundamentally about unlocking the boundless potential of people, one block at a time. [Website](https://startale.com/en) | [X](https://x.com/StartaleHQ) 2:["$","$L64",null,{"children":[["$","$L65",null,{}],["$","section",null,{"className":"Overview_container__JcZ2D","id":"overview","children":[["$","$L66",null,{}],["$","$L67",null,{}]]}],["$","$L68",null,{"posts":[{"id":4,"attributes":{"title":"Soneium Minato Testnet is Live Along with the Soneium Spark Incubation Program","publish_at":"2024-08-28T01:00:00.000Z","slug":"soneium-minato-testnet-is-live-along-with-soneium-spark-incubation-program","tags":["News"],"body":"$69","summary":null,"createdAt":"2024-08-25T06:30:47.633Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-26T15:18:39.813Z","publishedAt":"2024-08-28T01:09:37.177Z","locale":"en","image":{"data":{"id":11,"attributes":{"name":"All in (3).png","alternativeText":null,"caption":null,"width":1920,"height":1080,"formats":{"large":{"ext":".png","url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/large_All_in_3_f52f32b9ae.png","hash":"large_All_in_3_f52f32b9ae","mime":"image/png","name":"large_All in (3).png","path":null,"size":265.76,"width":1000,"height":563,"sizeInBytes":265757},"small":{"ext":".png","url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/small_All_in_3_f52f32b9ae.png","hash":"small_All_in_3_f52f32b9ae","mime":"image/png","name":"small_All in (3).png","path":null,"size":74.57,"width":500,"height":281,"sizeInBytes":74569},"medium":{"ext":".png","url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/medium_All_in_3_f52f32b9ae.png","hash":"medium_All_in_3_f52f32b9ae","mime":"image/png","name":"medium_All in (3).png","path":null,"size":156.36,"width":750,"height":422,"sizeInBytes":156363},"thumbnail":{"ext":".png","url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/thumbnail_All_in_3_f52f32b9ae.png","hash":"thumbnail_All_in_3_f52f32b9ae","mime":"image/png","name":"thumbnail_All in (3).png","path":null,"size":23.88,"width":245,"height":138,"sizeInBytes":23882}},"hash":"All_in_3_f52f32b9ae","ext":".png","mime":"image/png","size":190.39,"url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/All_in_3_f52f32b9ae.png","previewUrl":null,"provider":"strapi-provider-upload-strapi-cloud","provider_metadata":null,"createdAt":"2024-08-25T06:30:40.619Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-25T06:30:40.619Z"}}},"localizations":{"data":[]}}},{"id":3,"attributes":{"title":"Introducing Soneium by Sony Block Solutions Labs for the Future of Web3","publish_at":"2024-08-23T04:00:00.000Z","slug":"introducing-soneium-by-sony-block-solutions-labs-for-the-future-of-web3","tags":["News"],"body":"$6a","summary":null,"createdAt":"2024-08-20T09:09:16.174Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-05T09:15:40.392Z","publishedAt":"2024-08-22T10:24:05.278Z","locale":"en","image":{"data":{"id":2,"attributes":{"name":"Soneium_launch_banner (1) (1).png","alternativeText":null,"caption":null,"width":1920,"height":1080,"formats":{"large":{"ext":".png","url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/large_Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394.png","hash":"large_Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394","mime":"image/png","name":"large_Soneium_launch_banner (1) (1).png","path":null,"size":346.36,"width":1000,"height":563,"sizeInBytes":346364},"small":{"ext":".png","url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/small_Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394.png","hash":"small_Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394","mime":"image/png","name":"small_Soneium_launch_banner (1) (1).png","path":null,"size":89.23,"width":500,"height":281,"sizeInBytes":89226},"medium":{"ext":".png","url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/medium_Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394.png","hash":"medium_Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394","mime":"image/png","name":"medium_Soneium_launch_banner (1) (1).png","path":null,"size":196.52,"width":750,"height":422,"sizeInBytes":196524},"thumbnail":{"ext":".png","url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/thumbnail_Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394.png","hash":"thumbnail_Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394","mime":"image/png","name":"thumbnail_Soneium_launch_banner (1) (1).png","path":null,"size":26.39,"width":245,"height":138,"sizeInBytes":26388}},"hash":"Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394","ext":".png","mime":"image/png","size":287.13,"url":"https://supportive-cats-6a5567a5a5.media.strapiapp.com/Soneium_launch_banner_1_1_a36323a394.png","previewUrl":null,"provider":"strapi-provider-upload-strapi-cloud","provider_metadata":null,"createdAt":"2024-08-20T09:11:56.292Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-20T09:11:56.292Z"}}},"localizations":{"data":[]}}}]}],["$","section",null,{"className":"Why_container__jRLQB","children":[["$","$L6b",null,{}],["$","$L6c",null,{}]]}],["$","$L6d",null,{}],["$","$L6e",null,{}]]}]